Let's get going!

Customized English courses in Ulm and surroundings

Let's get going!

Customized English courses in Ulm and surroundings

Business English

Special Purposes

General English

School and Higher

Espresso Culture

Over 30 years of experience

So let's talkabout it. Let's get going in English.

Why get going with Talkabout?

The English trainer

G’day, I’m Sylvia Kretzschmar from Australia.
I studied Germanic Studies at the University of Sydney, which paved the way for my life here in Ulm. I have been teaching English to international students for 30 years in Sydney, China, Japan and Germany.
I love learning about the ways of other cultures and bring this enthusiasm, a deep sense of respect and a high level of professionalism into all my lessons.
Learning a language is like taking a road to new places, exploring, discovering and moving on to new ground. Come on, let’s get going in English together.

Sylvia Kretzschmar

Customized English courses in Ulm and surroundings

Sylvia Kretzschmar

Franz-Wiedemeier-Str. 47

89081 Ulm

Phone. 0731 38900265


Please contact me. I would love to get to know you in a talkabout.

I am also available for any kind of questions.

Please send me an email.
